Ryanair: Recruiting Flight Attendants in Greece
Looking for Cabin Crew in Greece and hence will be holding assessment days in February 15 at Thessaloniki and in February 16 at Athens.
Whoever wants to work in the skies in a very challenging envirornment but also rewarding then apply on Crewlink’s website www.crewlink.ie.
Crewlink's spokeman said on e-travelair that currently are recruiting 100's of cabin crew throughout Europe
So: “Applicants who successfully pass our training course are accredited with an EAS Cabin Crew Attestation and guaranteed a 3 year contract with Crewlink to work as Cabin Crew on board Ryanair aircraft. Apply today and start the journey of a lifetime” said Crewlink’s Andrew Swan Genelar Manager.
The training according to sources requires a lots of thorough study and calmness while is fascinating be a flight attendant. However this profession as well as has the positves and the negatives. Despite that training its challenging demands discipline and hard work.
However Nikoletta Breglia trainee and candidate flight attendant has fun no stress at all while taking the course in Frankfurt Germany. She reminds flight attendant Gwyneth Paltrow who was starring on Hollywood movie View from the top playing the role of cabin crew and all the training and interview whos passed through till she granted her dream.
Have a taste regarding cabin’s crew training which is mandatory in order to get the contract and be on board as a member of a crew on following video