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EasyJet: Traffic growth in December

Low cost companies "have earned their stripes" in passengers choices to fly with them. Easy jet noted a remarkable traffic growth during December in comparison with 2015 according to sources the last twelve months numbers of traffic has a rising rate 6,6%.

In other words 4,624,104 million passengers who have travelled more in 2016 year than 2015 also verify that people prefer the “low cost flying” concept which the Easy jet and following Ryanair "has imposed" over the years.

Earlier sources disclosured on e-travelair about Ryanair’spassengers traffic which increased throughout December. However by looking both companies statistics numbers the difference between them is obvious and bringing first Ryanair against Easyjet. For the Irish air-carrier the traffic growth 20% but for Easy jet 15%

The British low cost flies in 866 destinations within Europe and west Africa but the irish only has 200 routes throughout Europe's cities.

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