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Ryanair: Passengers traffic growth in December

Nothing could not stop travelers to fly from Athens (editor's.note: Capital of Greece country) to Greek cities and others Europe destinations during festive period though the bad weather and pretty cold. According to Ryanair’s statistics passengers air traffic has been rising at 20 per cent over December from Greek airports in comparison with last year 2015.


In other words this traffic growth means that more than 9.0 million passengers have chosen to be transferred by plane and this is a landmark as well as bookings rate increasing up to 3 points. The rate has touched 94 per cent of fully booked flights for December in comparison with last year’s rates 91%.

Kenny Jacobs Ryanair’s spokesman said that:” the passengers traffic growth due to extremely low cost fares which is part of the brand new Always getting better Programme” and allows Ryanair to put in sales air fares.

Furthermore and according to sources the Irish air-carrier among their plans for summer 2017 which are on the way is going to put in sales on its website more flights for booking within its destination network.

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