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Airbus: "Fly your ideas"competition unprecedented participation worldwide.

Most of the students come from universities like Singapore, Indonesia,China and Australia. However students from European universities also distinguished about their ideas in the fields of Business models

Reached records highs of participations from students around the globe the contest of plane maker “fly your ideas.

According to sources a record of 5.499 students registered in the fifth edition of Airbus competition.“e-travelair” has unveiled the story in June 4, 2016.

It seems that the group of 60 experts had a lot of work to do so as they assessed the projects submitted by 356 teams from 89 countries.

Corporate Innovator Gregor Dirks said that “Seeing these projects gives us a fresh new view from outside on topics we think we know. It’s also a chance to keep in touch with the next generation’s way of working, which is important for future Airbus passengers as well as employees. And it’s fun!”

During the evaluation process which took place at four different locations and particular in France, German Spain and UK 50 teams distinguished for their innovative ideas.

For instance robotic luggage trolleys passengers seats which can be boarded outside the aircraft new solutions for energy harvesting dominated among the 356 ideas and made the experts astonished by giving the essential “ahh!” in order the teams to go through the next phase of the game.

The 50 teams has been selected and being informed for the next stage of the competiotion

Round two phase

Like the talent show on Tv the next stage of the competition rules that the 50 teams have to refine and develop within 100 days-starting from January 2017- the most innovative projects regarding their ideas. The top five teams will be through to Round three and fly to Toulouse Airbus’ Base for one week.

The winner takes it all?

After arrive at “Prototypes” base in Toulouse the five teams will make true their ideas by using the state of the art equipment and tools of Airbus. Thus the most efficient and innovative idea will take the prize of 30.000 euro though the second the runner team will take 15.000 in May 2017

According to “e-travelair “ story on 4 June 2016 the plane maker has invited students worldwide to participate in the competition by giving the most innovative ideas among the fields of business model passengers experience and design engineering.

Such as what else could an airline do except transportation and how new layouts ease passengers boarding process or how robot and artificial intelligence could support aircraft design are the main topics consisting students’ ideas.

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