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Aegean Airlines: Advises travellers about Samsung Galaxy Note 7

Most airports worldwide banned the Samsung` s Galaxy Note 7 transportation said Aegean Airlines on its announcement.


Αdding also that "this specific smartphone can neither be carried on a personal hand luggage in the cabin nor in a suitcase in the luggage compartment as it is considered a hazardous material.

However EASA -European Aviation Agency - authorized a press release which advises passengers and crew to keep these devices turned off and not charge them while on board of the aircraft and do not place them inside checked baggage.

Earlier at the other part of Atlantic ocean FAA completely ban all samsungs Galaxy Note 7 smartphones on board air transportation to from or within the United States according to

This so-called " emergency order " became effective on October 15 2016 and in the light of the new rule many airlines authorized press releases on their websites by advising travellers that " will no longer permit the carriage of Samsung Note 7 device on our aircraft " said Ryanair European air-carrier likewise did so Emirates Airlines "passengers are advised that these devices are prohibited on all Emirates flights " posted the arabic air-carrier.

FAA took the initiative to fully ban the transportation of these smartphones from flights after many reports on social media about incidents occured regarding batteries bursts with the holders of Samsung Galaxy Note 7.

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